Lieutenant Town Marshal


Marvin Holt

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As of February 5, 2014, Deputy Marshal Holt accepted the position as Lieutenant Town Marshal for the Bloomfield Police Department. Congratulations Lieutenant!

I am a 1995 graduate of Linton-Stockton High School. I have been with the Bloomfield Police Department for approximately 2 years in a reserve capacity. I have served with the Bloomfield Police Department as an unpaid reserve Deputy Town Marshal since November of 2010.  On August 1st 2012, I accepted a fulltime paid position with the Bloomfield Police Department.

I am certified in interviewing and interrogation procedures through the John E. Reid and associates for interviewing and interrogation techniques, Pre-basic law enforcement classes, various courses through continuing education credits. I have graduated from the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy with a certification as a Law Enforcement Officer with the State of Indiana on July 12, 2013.


 If you would like to contact LT. Marvin Holt you may do so at the email provided below.